Saturday, July 2, 2016

July project day 1 "Tell Me A Story"

Well, the fake journal didn't go so well, it was harder to set up than I thought, but maybe next year I'll give it a try again.

Meanwhile, I have 31 writing prompts. The first one is "tell Me A Story" and here's the description:

I absolutely love to read to my kids. I’d say my favorite book right now for them is this book called, I Don’t Want to Be a Frog. What I love about it is there is no narrator. All the characters speak for themselves, so I get to do three different voices. It totally keeps me on my toes. My kids love it. I’m realizing it’s because I do the voices, just like I loved when my mom was reading to me. It was all about the characters, and she made them come to life. I feel like that’s why I love this book today, because I get to do that for my kids now. There are so many classic children’s books … Goodnight Moon, Pat the Bunny, Love You Forever, The Cat in the Hat, and The Very Hungry Caterpillar, to name a few. What was your favorite book as a child? Do you remember? Did you read it by yourself, or did someone read it to you? Did they do the voices? Were you tucked up in bed, or curled up in a favorite chair? These days, do you read to someone else? Do you enjoy acting out the parts while you read? Today, write about a beloved book, and relive your memories of time spent entranced by a wonderful story.


I don't know if it was a favorite book, but "Jenny's Adopted Brothers" by Esther Holden Averill was one that I liked to read when i was younger. I don't remember everything about this book, but I do remember that there was something about Jenny, who was the Captain's cat & she brought home 2 other cats and hoped that the Captain would adopt them. He did, and he made them beds (but they slept together in one)... and somewhere along the line, Jenny got jealous, scratched the captain & ran to hide or something.

I don't know if my parents read it to me or not, but I think they bought it to help me understand my own adoption. I'm not sure if I do understand it, but my birth mother was probably too wild to take care of another child, although my older sister & brother probably could have.. however, it sounds like she didn't properly care for them, not enough food, etc...
I ssimetimes yed reading to my own kids & I didn't usually 'do the voices', but I remember enjoyed raading. I didn't read at any specific time, just "whenever", and sometimes I would read to them to help them get sleepy. Some of the books I read to them included books by Sandra Boynton, 11 Hungry Cats by Noboru Baba, I may have read Goodnight Moon.. and I also read a book called The Fire Cat, by Esther Holden Averill.

Several years ago, I did a report on a few different children's books. I had a little bit of fun with that one: one of the days while I was on a Spring Break trip with some other kids from Gallaudet, I wasn't feeling well, so instead of skiing, I went to the library and worked on this report. I discovered Amelia Bedelia. Hilarious...and I was in the library.

Once in a while, I find myself coming up with some fun & ridiculous plays on words... but rarely get to write them down. Other times I find myself coming up with a cool idea, but then it's harder to actually write down. Perhaps these prompts will help.. and perhaps I'll come up with ideas for what to weave!

Written on July 1st 2016...(actually, it's already 7/2, but I haven't gone to bed yet, so I'm counting it as 7/1...that's my story & I'm sticking to it!!)

I just corrected the typos... one was myelf... hmm... my elf... a prompt for another time!

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